
This is How Canyon Crest Creative Gets Your Reviews

This is How Canyon Crest Creative Gets Your Reviews

Reviews are the modern-day word of mouth. They’re how people make buying decisions these days and are any of us surprised? When’s the last time you bought anything or did business with anyone without first checking out their review situation? Unfortunately, we’re coming up blank too.

We know it isn’t enough to sit around and hope for customers to offer their 5-star reviews, but how do you ensure you’re getting a consistent stream of recent, high-quality ones? You let us take care of it for you!

Our platform is built to make collecting those stars easy – automatic, do-it-in-your-sleep, set-it-and-forget-it, t...




It’s no secret that SEO has changed a lot recently. The days of traditional SEO and a keyword-only approach are dead, but what’s taken its place? Read on if you’re wondering how Canyon Crest Creative is getting you found (or can get you found). Spoiler alert: Our entire platform is built to ensure you are located and chosen online.

1. We go beyond the website.

Websites are powerful, but they are not where consumers make buying decisions. Gone are the days when we’d go to Google, search, and get a list of the best websites on the first page.

See for yourself! Try searching for a local business in your area. On th...


Our Top 6 Review Collection Tips

Our Top 6 Review Collection Tips

Reviews are a big part of your business. You can’t leave them up to chance. Therefore, every company should actively seek and collect customer reviews – they’re your bread and butter!

We’ve put together our top review collection tips. Follow these to make scoring 5-star reviews a no-brainer.

1. Don’t do it all yourself.

Maybe you still rely on signage or face-to-face conversations with your customers to ask for reviews. If that’s you, know there’s a much easier and more effective way.

If you want accurate results, stop doing it yourself. Our review collection platform helps you collect reviews automatically. Select whateve...


8 Reasons Why You Should be Running Google Ads

8 Reasons Why You Should be Running Google Ads

Whether you can spend a lot or just a little, we encourage all our clients to spend some money on Google Ads at least. Why? Because Google Ads are the only way to guarantee a spot on the coveted first page of Google. The bottom line is, if you want to be the most visible, it will cost you (Google’s no dummy).

The good news is that even a little ad spend can make a difference, and if you think running a campaign is super-duper complicated, think again. As Google partners, we can offer our clients a complete ads management solution that gets you up and running fast – no guesswork required.

Still on the fence? Here are some reasons why Goo...


15 Stats that Prove Reviews Are Your Bread & Butter

15 Stats that Prove Reviews Are Your Bread & Butter

We can’t say it enough: Reviews drive people’s purchasing decisions these days. You only need to look at your buying habits to know it’s true. When was the last time you bought anything without looking at reviews? Or visited a restaurant before seeing how they stack up?

We’re all seeing stars, which means your customers are too. Still not convinced that reviews pack all that punch? Here are a few of our favorite stats that say otherwise.

  1. 97% of consumers report that the customer reviews they read influence their purchasing decisions.

  2. Nearly nine out of ten consumers read reviews before making a purchase.

  3. 94% of consume...


10 Tips for Sending Better Marketing Emails

10 Tips for Sending Better Marketing Emails

Creating a marketing email might sound like a piece of cake, but a lot goes into it. Between catchy subject lines, eye-catching graphics, and a short and snappy message, you’re likely to get overwhelmed along the way.

That’s why we’ve put together our top 10 tips. Breeze through these, and you’ll be on your way to writing emails that get better opens and clicks.

1. Put lots of thought into your subject line.

Whether writing a subject line is the first or last thing on your to-do list, you will want to put a lot of thought into it. This is your chance to make an excellent first impression, which means the difference between an op...


8 Reasons Why You Need to be Emailing Your Customers

8 Reasons Why You Need to be Emailing Your Customers

It would be best if you were regularly communicating with your customers, and one of the best places to do it is in their email inboxes. If you don’t think email is an effective way to reach customers, remember that many of us check our email before we’re even out of bed. How’s that effective?

Forget about email marketing being for big brands only. Small businesses can benefit from even a simple strategy. And with tools at your disposal, running an email campaign is probably far more accessible and cost-effective than you think. Here are the top reasons you should get on board with email marketing.

1. Your customers love ema...


Keywords and Google Reviews a Case Study

Case Study: How We Helped a Local Cleaning Company Rank Higher on Google

At Canyon Crest Creative, we recently completed a project for a local cleaning company to help them rank higher on Google. Our goal was to get them more visibility and increase organic search engine traffic.

We started by researching the most effective keywords for their industry, then optimized their website content with those keywords. This included rewriting existing content, creating new pages with relevant content and backlinks, and improving meta tags and descriptions.

Why Keywords are Essential for a Digital Marketing Strategy

When it comes to digital marketing, keywords are essential. They help search engines rank w...
